The most important action we, as attorneys and mediators can take to enhance our health and wellness is to take charge of our weight, physical fitness, and reduce our stress levels. Why?
Being overweight or obese is known to cause or promote:
- High blood pressure (Hypertension)
- Diabetes
- Coronary heart disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Gallbladder disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Sleep apnea and breathing problems
- Mental illness: clinical depression, anxiety
- Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning
- High bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and low good cholesterol
A REAL LIFE STORY: A colleague who practices law in Florida attended my CLE (Continuing Legal Education) health & wellness, and mindfulness programs. Two months ago Lisa was diagnosed with Cancer. She’s in her fifties, and an Estate Planning attorney. Although, Lisa has always been moderately overweight, recently she gained a considerable amount of weight. Now, she’s grossly overweight, that is OBESE. She’s undergoing medical treatment for the disease, has lost her hair and is feeling quite miserable from the chemo and radiation. Her oncologist told her that curing the BREAST CANCER is greatly frustrated and hampered by her obesity. She must lose weight if she wants to stay alive!
Almost 80% of Americans are overweight or obese.That is more than 2 in 3 adults.
A startling statistic!
Heart disease and stroke are the the first and third most common causes of death. Cancer is the second leading cause of death of Americans.
Diabetes contributes to these statistics, and about 80 percent with diabetes are overweight. (CDC – Centers for Disease Control data)
The medical costs are over $150 Billion per year. That’s Billion with a “B”
The annual nationwide productive losses of overweight absenteeism are about $10 billion ($200 per individual)
If you are overweight or obese, you can change your life if you attain a healthy weight!
TAKE CHARGE. Start with weight assessments, testings and education. Reduce your stress through mindful meditation, Qi Gong, Yoga or Tai Chi or other form of physically and mentally focused movement, listen to meditative music and assert the daily intention to quiet your extraneous thoughts and keep a mindful focus on your actions. Although this is simple, it is not easy. Whenever your mind wanders, always remember to breathe and bring focus back just noticing that your were “thinking”. That’s all.
Body awareness is extremely important. Being able to “feel” the vigor and sensations within your body is an enjoyable and enlightening experience. Experiencing regular massage therapy is a great adjunct to a health and wellness plan.
Recognizing the tastes of different types of foods and knowing when you’ve had enough, when you are “full” when eating is much more invigorating than overeating and feeling bogged down and listless. Obesity-related inflammation actually reduces the ability to taste food.
Currently, I have a workbook Mindfulness Magnetizes Success (THE 7 LAWS OF WINNING), which is a basic guide and on Amazon.
There is another article referencing the effect of obesity on professionals, specifically attorneys. This blog notes that fat males are in lower executive positions and pay a penalty of $1,000 for every pound they are overweight. Read the blog at
If you have interest or questions contact me at