Constance leads a discussion on mindfulness, abundance and more. Produced by BBM TV (Bold Brave Media)
Footnotes of this discussion, “Mindfulness Magnetizes Abundance” include:
- I am open and receptive.
- Louise Hay teacher.
- The 7 Laws of Inner Peace
- Master your own journey to joy and peace.
- Take back your power.
- The Power of Your Mind
- Go beyond blame, shame, and conflict.
- Use your talents. Expand your curiosity. Learn to think!
- Bullying is used as a form of control.
- I am. Therefore, I think!
- Unify mind, body, and spirit
- Mindful meditation mediates stress
- Take the mindfulness quiz.
- Keep a journal.
- Self-care is critical.
- Learn belly breathing
- The Power within
- Use this technique to drop your blood pressure.
- Use deep breathing to quiet your body, your emotions, and your mental activity.
- Make a commitment to believe. This is part of your abundance.
- Pick two and follow through